Rose Simkins Biography
Rose Simkins – Chief Executive of Stop Hate UK – Biography | Stop Hate UK
Rose Simkins – Chief Executive of Stop Hate UK – Biography

The helpline has supported several thousands of people in their time of need, receiving over 3,000 contacts every year and is a nationally recognised modem for challenging and reporting all forms of hate crime. This has resulted in positive action and improved processes in many local authorities across the UK as the Helpline service supports and complements local Hate Crime strategies.
Her career started in 1993 where she worked for more than 20 years in Housing Management and Homelessness, and a further 7 years leading the Refugee and Asylum support service.
Her drive for eradicating social injustices has always been at the forefront of her work where equality and diversity are key to making this happen. This passion is embodied in both her working and personal life.
Rose sits on several scrutiny advisory panels and is a keynote speaker at many events as well as a regular contributor and spokesperson in local and national press and media.
If you would like more information on Stop Hate UK or would like Rose speak at an event, please email