National Organisations
National Organisations in the UK
Useful website links and information on Hate Crime
True Vision: A national scheme supported by all police forces in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland providing information to the public about what hate crime is and the ways you can report it. You can also report hate crimes through the website using the online form.
Home Office – government advice and information on crime.
The Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO) Independent body to examine complaints about the editorial content of UK newspapers, magazines, and their websites.
Telephone: 0300 123 2220 (Available during office hours 9.00 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday) Calls to this number are charged at the standard call rate from anywhere in the UK including mobile phones.
24 Hour emergency advice line: 07799 903 929 (Please leave a message explaining the nature of your concern and you will be phoned back)
The best way to make a complaint is using IPSO’S online complaints form by clicking here. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email on
Witnessed a Hate Crime?
If you have witnessed a Hate Crime you may be asked to go to court as a witness. Going to court: a step by step guide to being a witness should give you all the information you need to know about the process.
The Crown Prosecution Service offers many resources for both victims and witnesses and DirectGov is a useful source of information relating to general crime and justice.
Victim Support’s Witness Service provides comprehensive practical and emotional support to the witnesses as well as Children at court.
If you are a vulnerable or intimidated witness you may be eligible for certain special measures.
The Safer and Stronger Communities Partnership of Sefton Council have produced two informative films on how Hate Crime is being tackled in Sefton and the support available to witnesses of Hate Crimes.
Internet Hate Crime
The Internet Watch Foundation will investigate reports of incitement to racial hatred on websites hosted in the UK.
UK Safer Internet Centre is an awareness centre and a helpline co-funded by European Commission’s Safer internet program. The Safer Internet Centre provides help and support for professionals working with children and young people in the UK with any online safety issues they may face themselves or with children in their care.
Support is also reported with all aspects of digital and online issues such as those which occur on social networking sites, cyber-bullying, sexting, online gaming, and child protection online. The Helpline (0844 381 4772) aims to resolve issues professionals face about themselves, such as protecting professional identity and reputation, as well as young people in relation to online safety.
Disability and Mental Health
Arc UK A membership organisation, which supports providers of services to people with a learning disability to promote real change.
Arc SafteyNet A range of national resources related to Hate Crime and disability-free to download and use.
Scope A charity concerned with achieving equality for those with disabilities, particularly those affected by cerebral palsy.
Mind A charity offering support and advice to people with mental health problems.
Saneline 0845 767 8000 – Out of hours emotional support and information for people with mental health problems.
Mencap Specialise in helping those with learning disabilities lead fulfilling lives. Call Mencap direct on 0300 333 4444 to find Mencap services near you, or check out their Website for resources and campaigns.
Change A human rights organisation led by people with learning disabilities. They deliver training & produce accessible books, booklets, Picture Bank CD-ROMs & individual pictures.
Rethink A charity helping people affected by severe mental illness to improve their quality of life
Cerebra A charity helping improve the lives of children with brain-related conditions through researching, educating and directly supporting children and their carers.
The Judith Trust A trust that runs campaigns and supports research concerning those with both a mental illness and learning disability.
This Guide to UK-based Free Mental Health Helplines has been put together by Cassiobury Court.
Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Refugee Council A charity providing free advice and information to refugees and asylum seekers.
Immigration Advice Service Affordable legal advice on immigration and asylum law.
Young people
Get Connected Confidential help for young people.
Childline Free 24 hour counselling service for children and young people.
Albert Kennedy Trust Support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans homeless young people.
National Children’s Bureau A campaign for rights and justice for every child.
Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Advice, information and training organization providing a wide range of services to all Travellers nationwide. News, pictures, video, opinion and resources from within the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.
Anti-Semitic Hate Crime
You can contact the CST if you are the victim of an antisemitic incident or you have information regarding an antisemitic incident that happened to somebody else. The CST has a dedicated team that deals with antisemitic incidents and provides victim support while respecting your confidentiality at all times. The CST can liaise with the Police and other bodies to help ensure that any incident is dealt with properly. If you do not want to contact the Police directly, CST can do so on your behalf as a ‘Third Party Reporter’.
Gender Trust For people whose lives are affected by gender identity issues
Gender Network Working for respect for gender, gender identity, and gender expression
Galop Galop works to prevent and challenge homophobic and transphobic hate crime in Greater London. 02077042040.
Stonewall A charity that campaigns on issues affecting lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. 08000502020.
Stonewall Housing Advice 02073595767
Rainbow Migration Charity that promotes equality and dignity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people who seek asylum in the UK, or who wish to immigrate here to be with their partner.
LGBT Foundation An organisation delivering community, advice, health, and support services to lesbian, gay and bisexual people in the UK. To reach their helpline, call 0345 3 30 30 30(local call rate), 10am-10pm (Staffed), 10pm-10am (automated system).
Show Racism the Red Card A charity that aims to combat racism by producing anti-racist educational resources, featuring professional footballers, for young people and others.
Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes
Phone MAMA on 0800 456 1226
Text MAMA on 01157070007
Email MAMA at
Tweet MAMA @tellmamauk
Message MAMA on Facebook at Tell MamaUK
Other Support and Advice
Victim Support A national charity for victims and witnesses of crime in England and Wales.
Equality and Human Rights Commission Promoting equality and human rights by providing advice and guidance.
Community Legal Advice Free, confidential and independent legal advice for residents of England and Wales.
Law Centres Not-for-profit legal practices providing free legal advice and representation to disadvantaged people.
Samaritans A national charity providing confidential non-judgemental emotional support, 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide. You can visit their website or call them on 08457 90 90 90.
Turning Point Health and social care organisation. Provision of services for people affected by drug and alcohol misuse, mental health problems, and those with a learning disability.
Metropoliton Police Non-emergency contact: 0300 1231212
The Helplines Association For assistance and advice regarding setting up and effectively running a helpline.
If you would like a link on our site, please email your details to