Racism in the UK
Our History of Fighting Racism

Racially motivated Hate Crimes are the highest reported type of Hate Crime in the UK. A total of 109,843 racially aggravated offences were recorded in 2021/2022 – an increase by19%.
In our yearly reports, Racism is the highest reported motivation for Hate Crimes, 43% of Hate Crimes reported to our helpline were related to race.
Stop Hate UK has been fighting racism since our inception in 1995. We have been challenging discrimination, promoting diversity, facilitating inclusive practices, and developing a zero-tolerance approach to hate.
We take an intersectional approach to reporting because we understand that experiences of racism can affect people differently depending on their identities.
Our long history of anti-racism equips us with expertise knowledge to provide bespoke training aimed to tackle the root causes of racism and ways to foster an anti-racist environment.

Supporting victims of Hate Crimes when they need it most through our support line
We support people directly affected by Hate Crime, help them cope with the incident, and navigate their options.
Stop Hate UK’s helpline service provides confidential and independent support, and people can report anonymously. We provide our callers a safe space to tell us about their experiences and let us know what they need and want to happen. We will then explore options and next steps with our caller.
Stories from Callers
One of our callers and her family were targeted because of their race. The parent said they were racially abused, physically attacked and had their property defaced with threatening graffiti.
Reluctant to contact the police, she called Stop Hate UK.
Our helpline team provided important emotional and practical support, ensuring our caller that what had happened was a Hate crime. Our team helped the caller by filing a police report on her behalf and with her consent to get it recorded and further Investigated.
Our caller reported daily racist abuse from a local group of youths in her neighbourhood. She has lived in the UK for many years.
Incidents included: numerous damage to her car; threats of arson; several burglaries and burning of possessions; damage to front door with paint; physical attacks resulting in injury and constant verbal abuse.
The Stop Hate UK helpline team made a referral to the police and following joint and co-ordinated action from local support agencies, ensured our caller could easily access additional support, guidance and information to them in their area. Our helpline team also ensured the caller was successfully and safely relocated.

Educating Communities to Combat Racism and Foster Anti-Racism Attitudes
In the aftermath of George Floyd’s death and the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020, the pursuit for racial justice has turned a corner, where conversations now go beyond how to prevent racist incidents but also how it manifests from stereotypes, prejudice, and lack of knowledge.
Becoming educated on anti-hate and discrimination at an early stage is the key to preventing it from happening because we believe in prevention before intervention.
Across the educational, corporate and community sectors, we fight hate and discrimination by providing educational programmes and training, designed to tackle racism in all its forms. Topics covered by our training include the history of migration and diversity, unconscious bias, microaggressions and establishing an anti-racist environment.
Our training services encourage a wide cultural change within corporate, educational and community settings. We have experience tackling some of the most ingrained aspects of life, including stereotypes, micro-inequalities, microaggressions,
We also support campaigns that raise awareness on tackling racism. The most recent Anti-Racism campaign is the charity cookbook Recipes Against Racism, edited by Sachiko & Shu. Their mission is to mobilise communities to collaborate in anti-racist activism through the alluring power of food. 100% of proceeds from the cookbook are being donated to Stop Hate UK and End the Virus of Racism.

Why Support Us
Since 1995 we have been fighting Hate and discrimination. As a charity that receives little to no funding, we need your help.
There is currently no national service working to tackle all forms of Hate Crime in the UK. We operate the UK’s only free 24 hour Hate Crime reporting service for all monitored hate strands in areas we are funded. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, we ensure no one suffers alone when they experience Hate.
Our aim is to provide a national helpline service across the UK and our donations and support mean that we can reach more people across the country and provide vital listening, emotional and practical support for those who need it most.
Please consider supporting our mission and helping us get one step closer to creating a world free from hate and discrimination.