Newham Stay Safe Street Harassment App in Partnership with Stop Hate UK
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The Newham Stay Safe Street Harassment App in Partnership with Stop Hate UK
Newham Council and Stop Hate UK have developed the Newham Stay Safe App; a reporting mechanism for street harassment incidents and safety concerns. The app is designed to give women and girls reassurance as well as a sense of safety and security whilst travelling out at night. The app will help gather information which can be used to hold perpetrators to account and bring them to justice as well as target resources to make our streets safer.
Scale of Street Harassment
In a 2021 survey 89 per cent of local women who responded stated they had experienced street-based sexual harassment in the borough, and 69 per cent changed their day-to-day behaviour due to harassment. With these harrowing statistics in mind, there’s an evident need for change.
Unwanted staring, comments on women’s appearances, and suggestive remarks were all raised as common types of harassment in the survey. Respondents were asked what measures they thought would best help in addressing the problem: a reporting app, penalty fines for perpetrators, and increased police presence were the three most popular things residents wanted to see.
Newham Stay Safe App
The app enables you to:
- Report anonymously for information only
- Capture evidence
- Access specialist support
- Report the incident for formal investigation by police or council
The app also provides a route through to our 24/7 Stop Hate UK helpline. Users can reach out to Stop Hate UK to get guidance on support and reporting.
Stop Hate UK’s helpline service provides confidential and independent support, and people can report anonymously. We provide our callers a safe space to tell us about their experiences and let us know what they need and want to happen. We will then explore options and next steps with our caller.
Newham Stay Safe is another step to help us tackle violence against women and girls and send a clear message that street harassment will not be tolerated in the London Borough of Newham.
The new app will be available on Android soon.
Stop Hate UK is Committed to Providing Solutions
Stop Hate UK is committed to providing preventative and proactive solutions to harassment, discrimination, and hate. Through our helplines, reporting apps, and delivery of educational training, we work with partners to create long-term preventative solutions that will create safer environments for everyone to thrive in.